"The Meditative Perspective" by Douglas Chermak
8 April 2010
This is a working draft prepared by the Working Group on
Meditation and Law, which has met in the San Francisco bay area for the
past five years.
It is commonly acknowledged and supported by
scientific studies that meditation is beneficial for health and
well-being. Less commonly known is meditation’s potential to transform
the way one views self, world, and activity. In the legal profession,
whose culture emphasizes speed, stress, and oppositional energy,
meditation’s capacity to radically alter one’s view and style of work
provides an especially attractive possibility.
What exactly is
meditation practice, or, as it is often called, contemplative practice?
Broadly defined, a contemplative practice is any activity that quiets
the mind in order to cultivate the capacity for insight. Mindfulness
meditation is a powerful contemplative practice that is simple to learn
and incorporate into one’s daily routine. Mindfulness meditation is
cultivated mainly through the practice of quiet sitting, with focus on
breathing, not repressing thinking or emotion but simply allowing it to
come and go within the field of awareness. Once such a practice is
established it can be applied in informal ways during the day. Its
essence is simply being fully and nonjudgmentally present with what
happens, on a moment by moment basis. With practice over time,
mindfulness meditation fosters a new relationship to our thoughts and
emotions. There is more choice and flexibility in our thinking and
feeling, and an increased capacity to embrace paradox and opposing
viewpoints without losing balance or focus.
We distinguish what we
have called the meditative perspective from meditation practice itself.
The meditative perspective is the outlook that gradually develops
through the thoughtful application of meditation practice to our daily
living. The meditative perspective connects the increased inner
sensitivity that meditation practice brings with our activity in the
world through work and relationships. By becoming more aware of
ourselves through meditation, we become more aware of others, eventually
gaining an appreciation and understanding of the texture of our
interactions in the world. We begin to see ourselves and our work in a
wider context.
As we connect with ourselves and develop a
meditative perspective, certain values and skills begin to emerge which
complement our work as lawyers:
• Patience and sustainability.
The meditative perspective changes problems into challenges, and
strengthens vigor and commitment. Its helps us to approach situations
with a fresh perspective.
• Wisdom. The
meditative perspective helps us to see things as they are, not as we
wish they were. Consequently our decisions come from a more expansive
place of understanding.
• Passion. The meditative perspective helps us to transform anger and self-righteousness into energy to serve one’s clients and justice.
• Honest self-reflection.
The meditative perspective fosters honesty with our experience and
relationships. It makes denial, distraction, and the demonization of
others more difficult.
• Calmness. The meditative
perspective promotes stability and calmness. We can know and tame our
emotions rather then be victimized by them.
• A sensitive and realistic sense of ethics.
With the meditative perspective we become more aware of the discomfort
that comes with unethical conduct, and resolved not to allow it.
Confidence in this brings courage and strength.
• Integrity in the midst of complex situations.
The meditative perspective helps us to hold and maintain a clear vision
of the values we are trying to promote in our work in the law. It helps
to ground us in these values.
• Compassion. The
meditative perspective helps us to appreciate on a visceral level the
interconnections between people. It promotes empathy with clients,
colleagues, opponents, and neutrals. It heightens sensitivity to
suffering and opens the heart, allowing us to move towards difficult
situations and handle them with a greater sense of ease.
• Focus.
With the meditative perspective we are less obsessed with a stressful
emphasis on achievement, so there is more moment to moment focus on
every situation, whether it is drafting a document, talking on the
phone, meeting with a client or co-counsel, or speaking in court. Such
clear and focused presence enhances effectiveness.
• A whole life.
Lawyers who are influenced by the meditative perspective bring to their
work the values and styles they hold in their personal and spiritual
lives. For them it is neither desirable nor possible to conduct
themselves professionally in ways they would find uncomfortable in their
private lives.
• Awareness of our own condition and that of others. Of our own needs and motivations and the needs and motivations of others. Of the total situation in which we finds ourselves.
• Skillful listening and communicating.
The meditative perspective promotes empathetic and accurate listening.
We listen better to clients, colleagues, opposing counsel, judges, and
ourselves. With listening comes clearer and more effective
• Creativity. The meditative
perspective, in promoting flexibility of mind and heart, and the ability
to let go of habitual patterns when necessary, allows us to open to
novel strategies to solve problems and accomplish objectives.
are some of the ways the meditative perspective can be transformative
in the working lives of lawyers. Note that though some active engagement
with meditation practice over time will make a big difference, the
meditative perspective does not come automatically to lawyers who
practice meditation. Nor can it be adopted simply by will or intention.
But the motivation to change one’s way of working as a lawyer, combined
with meditation practice, and an active exploration in one’s daily life
of the values and skills mentioned above, will bring powerful changes.
We have also found that the ongoing practice of a meditation-based
discussion group with other like-minded legal professionals is a key
tool for the cultivation and strengthening of the meditative
Insofar as the values and skills promoted by the
meditative perspective are considered desirable in many moral systems,
both religious and secular, our long range hope is that the meditative
perspective can be a basis for a renaissance in the law. Our agenda is
thus two fold. We want both to respond to the question “how can I use
meditation to make my life as a lawyer better?” and to go beyond this
question to contribute to a re-envisioning of the legal profession.
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