- Non Violent Communication (NVC) and Mindful Presence
- Listening Posts at Women's March on Washington and EVERYWHERE
- Call to Action /Call to Practice: ARISE-Awakening through Race, Intersectionality & Social Equity
- White Awareness Workshop from Mindful Peacebuilding
- Can Conversation change bigotry?
- How do you say ‘I Love You’ in the era of ‘Trumpism’: love in action
What contemplative activists have in common is a self reflective/meditative perspective and healing, interconnecting approaches to personal, collective and social change.
As you explore these offerings, you may notice that most fall within the realm of healing the divide (in ourselves, our families, our communities, our nation and the world) through connectedness.
What you will notice that many forms of contemplative activism are very local and specific even when taking on larger issues and social injustice. As you explore these hoping that you may see new (or already existing) ways to be engaged in the healing and transformation that these great times are calling forth. Supporting us all to becoming the change we want to see in the world is the intention of this blog.
1) Non Violent Communication (NVC) and Mindful Presence
Click here to listen to Roberta's interview on NVC/Mindfulness/ActivisimRoberta Wall, former Labor Organizer, Civil Rights Lawyer, current Order of Interbeing member and NVC teacher working in the Middle East and USA. One of the founding members of the Brooklyn Sangha shares her personal practice journey living in the South.
2) Listening Posts EVERYWHERE and at
Women's March on Washington
We live in wonderful
Takoma Park, MD, on the border of Washington, DC. Our community is
mobilizing to greet you when you come to the Women’s March on Washington in
January with trainings in non-violence, sign-making, etc. We hope to meet
and do walking and sitting meditation once the details of the march emerge. Click
here for Mindful resources Women's March on Washington
Here is one idea we can start right here, now! Listening
In an interview shortly after 9/11, Thich Nhat Hanh
responded to this question:
“If you could speak to Osama bin Laden, what would you say
to him? Likewise, if you were to speak to the American people, what would you
suggest we do at this point, individually and as a nation?”
“If I were given the opportunity to be face to face with
Osama bin Laden, the first thing I would do is listen. I would try to
understand why he had acted in that cruel way. I would try to understand all of
the suffering that had led him to violence. It might not be easy to listen in
that way, so I would have to remain calm and lucid. I would need several
friends with me, who are strong in the practice of deep listening, listening
without reacting, without judging and blaming. In this way, an atmosphere of
support would be created for this person and those connected so that they could
share completely, trust that they are really being heard.”
I envision this happening at the Women's March, but we can
start doing it in our communities and neighborhoods now. The idea: Get at
least four volunteers to just LISTEN to whatever feelings another person wants
to express for 2-3 minutes at a time. There would be a sign “Free
Listening - to your feelings” (2-3 minutes each). One person would handle
getting people in lines, timing the sharing, ending with a bell perhaps,
keeping order. The other 3-4 Listeners would stand or sit back to back
(to support one another, just sitting and breathing for 10 minutes together
before beginning to listen, calming their own bodies,minds, hearts). The
speakers could line up, take their places in front of a listener (one on one)
when the bell ends the previous listening session, begin all the sharing at one
time, end on time. ANYONE can
listen! Children, elders, people of all ethnicities, religions, political
views. To listen to someone without interruption, judgment, facial
reactions or body movements is a very powerful gift. It often “cuts
suffering in half or doubles joy.”
Our aim would be to have many “listening posts” at the
Women’s March on Washington January 21(where there will also be DT supporters
here for the Inauguration). But we also want to practice, become skilled
at listening, do it in our families, neighborhoods, organizing meetings.
In TP, we could set up a “listening spot” (perhaps the gazebo or someplace
close to metro.) Quite naturally, in a large crowd like the Women’s March, some
speakers draw audiences of listeners, so their talking becomes dominant.
This method would highlight the listening, and train us in deep listening from
the heart. So if someone is very upset, we might break off and give them
4-5 listeners, just listening. If the listeners get tired, they can ask
someone who has been speaking to take their place. Another model that is
used in some Native American gatherings is to form a large circle of listeners,
passing around a “talking stick.” Spread the idea! Try it!
Let us know how it works!
Supported by the ARISE Sangha – Awakening through Race, Intersectionality, and Social Equity.
Calling all Mindfulness Practitioners to
Go As A River at the Women's March on Washington
Saturday, January 21
Meditation is no longer the work of individuals; meditation in our time
should be a collective practice. Thich Nhat Hanh, Calming the Fearful
Mind, p22.
Call to Action
members of the Thich Nhat Hanh Sangha and other traditions from across
the country as we march together in peace for justice for all at the Women's March on Washington. People of all genders are invited. We
will practice Marching Meditation to hold love for each other as a
Beloved Community committed to justice for the disenfranchised as so
many of our ancestors have done before. Sangha members will also participate in marching meditation in New York City, San Francisco and other sister cities.
Click here for the Sangha facebook page organizing housing and events in Washington DC (including sitting meditation, Dharma Sharing, Deep Listening and more) to turn the march into a true Day of Mindfulness.
Please reply to this email if you would like your local event linked to
this. See the full description of the march and other links below.
Call to Practice
invite all practitioners and Sanghas in the United States and beyond to
dedicate their practice during the week of Monday, January 16th (Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) to Sunday, January 22nd (the
weekend following the inauguration) to cultivating understanding and
compassion for ourselves and our country, and healing from the violence,
hatred, and fear that has intensified during the past year's election.
We recognizing there is no true peace without justice and equity for
We encourage you to dedicate your walking meditation and sitting meditation practice
to generating the energy of compassion and healing with each step and
each breath you take. Practice Deep Listening with someone you don't
understand and bring Loving Speech into your conversations (see the 4th MT below). Read Thay's “Calming the Fearful Mind: a Zen Response to Terrorism” and practice Dharma Sharing on
the topics raised. These teachings are remarkably relevant today.
Practice Touching the Earth (below). Listen to and meditate upon Alone Again, the song created from Thay's poem Recommendation. See a full list of resources for practice here.PV Racial Equity resources
cannot escape our interdependence with other people, with other nations
in the world. Let us take this moment to look deeply and find a path of
liberation. (TNH Calming the Fearful Mind, p.9)
Supported by the ARISE Sangha – Awakening through Race, Intersectionality, and Social Equity.
Calling all Mindfulness Practitioners to
Go As A River at the Women's March on Washington
Saturday, January 21
Meditation is no longer the work of individuals; meditation in our time
should be a collective practice. Thich Nhat Hanh, Calming the Fearful
Mind, p22.
Call to Action
members of the Thich Nhat Hanh Sangha and other traditions from across
the country as we march together in peace for justice for all at the Women's March on Washington. People of all genders are invited. We
will practice Marching Meditation to hold love for each other as a
Beloved Community committed to justice for the disenfranchised as so
many of our ancestors have done before. Sangha members will also participate in marching meditation in New York City, San Francisco and other sister cities.
Click here for the Sangha facebook page organizing housing and events in Washington DC (including sitting meditation, Dharma Sharing, Deep Listening and more) to turn the march into a true Day of Mindfulness.
Please reply to this email if you would like your local event linked to
this. See the full description of the march and other links below.
Call to Practice
invite all practitioners and Sanghas in the United States and beyond to
dedicate their practice during the week of Monday, January 16th (Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day) to Sunday, January 22nd (the
weekend following the inauguration) to cultivating understanding and
compassion for ourselves and our country, and healing from the violence,
hatred, and fear that has intensified during the past year's election.
We recognizing there is no true peace without justice and equity for
We encourage you to dedicate your walking meditation and sitting meditation practice
to generating the energy of compassion and healing with each step and
each breath you take. Practice Deep Listening with someone you don't
understand and bring Loving Speech into your conversations (see the 4th MT below). Read Thay's “Calming the Fearful Mind: a Zen Response to Terrorism” and practice Dharma Sharing on
the topics raised. These teachings are remarkably relevant today.
Practice Touching the Earth (below). Listen to and meditate upon Alone Again, the song created from Thay's poem Recommendation. See a full list of resources for practice here.PV Racial Equity resources
cannot escape our interdependence with other people, with other nations
in the world. Let us take this moment to look deeply and find a path of
liberation. (TNH Calming the Fearful Mind, p.9)
4) Can Conversation Change Bigotry?
This article points to the power of dialogue and
relationship-building to change hearts and minds. In both instances,
someone who had every reason to fear for his life, befriended a committed white
supremacist, ultimately having a significant impact on their belief systems.
The Atlantic article, "The
Audacity of Talking About Race With the Ku Klux Klan" cotemplates how
and why a Black musician, Daryl Davis, ame to befriend three leaders in
Maryland's Ku Klux Klan, all of whom eventually ended their affiliation with
the group. Davis explained his philosophy this way:"The most important
thing I learned is that when you are actively learning about someone else you
are passively teaching them about yourself. So if you have an adversary with an
opposing point of view, give that person a platform. Allow them to air that
point of view, regardless of how extreme it may be...
You challenge them. But you don't challenge them rudely or
violently. You do it politely and intelligently. And when you do things that
way chances are they will reciprocate and give you a platform. So he and I
would sit down and listen to one another over a period of time. And the cement
that held his ideas together began to get cracks in it. And then it began to
crumble. And then it fell apart."
You can Read
the full article here
Here is a quick reminder to register for this upcoming class that is offered once a year on the topic of White Awareness. Many friends who took the class last year found the class very beneficial and are planning to take it again this year. We hope you will prticipate ad invite other friends. If you are interested in this important topic and would like to create a similar circle among friends or help with setting up such a frame of dicussion, please send us an email at mindfulpeacebuilding@gmail.com
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